21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP108 The Four Pillars Of Remote Teamwork



In this episode, we talk about the four areas of teamwork you should address in your remote team. Introduction: What Caught Our Eye? RSI and general health when working with so much tech. More or Less 3 Jan Does Sweden Really have a Six Hour Day? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04n7vlg Pilar mentions Companies Without Managers, the episode from In Business that talks about the Buurtzorg model. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03045tx We talk about the introduction of Slack threaded messages and the importance of revising your communication norms; pros and cons for teams and communities. https://slackhq.com/threaded-messaging-comes-to-slack-417ffba054bd#.gx6t5ndmt Lisette mentions this episode 46 from The Future Work podcast https://thefutureorganization.com/forget-work-life-balance-its-all-about-work-life-integration/ If you would like to join Virtual Team Talk: https://virtualteamtalk.com/ Zoom's cash injection: http://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2017/01/17/ceo-announcement-zoom-partners-with-sequoia-in-100-