21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP104 Headlines We Could Have Done Without in 2016



Introduction If you work in a virtual team, or are a remote worker or are just interested in making the world of work as great as it can be, join us in Virtual Team Talk. A new podcast on evidence-based practice in organisations http://www.futureworkcentre.com/what-we-do/education/evidencetalks/ Virtual Coffee with Lisette and Pilar 05:30mins 30 Nov Entrepreneur on Fire http://www.eofire.com/podcast/lisettesutherland/ The virus that goes into your calendar. Using online conferences as development opportunities for your group or team and being mindful of how to use the chat space. Using an external event as an internal development opportunity. Lisette recommends this app to recruit for virtual teams http://www.indivizo.com/ and she has some questions to ask yourself if you're recruiting. Has much moved on in the world of work? Companies That Got Rid Of Performance Ratings Aren’t Doing So Well, Sadly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/long-live-the-performance-review_us_5772ca2ce4b0eb90355c8b05 The 'T' word..