21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP97 Traveling the World while Working



In today's episode, Pilar talks to Kirstin Messina about Yonderwork, a company enabling remote workers to travel around the world as a community. Introduction If you fancy joining Virtual Team Talk, you can apply here: https://virtualteamtalk.com/ Fancy contributing to the 100th episode? Tell us how you think the world of work is changing... or not. Get in touch here: http://virtualnotdistant.com/contact-us/ Don't forget to listen to (or read the scripts) Management Café. https://managementcafepodcast.com/   Thanks to Saros for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.sarosresearch.com/participate/join-saros-research/?id=100243   09:15mins The Conversation with Kristin Messina What is Yonderwork and who joins this community? http://www.yonderwork.com/ How does Yonderwork facilitate the experience of working remotely in another country. Who are the Digital Nomads? Having a community that you can plug into, both on a personal and professional level is what we are really looking to provide people with. Why Kristi