21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP35 Teambuilding in virtual teams



00:30 Pilar is thinking of creating an episode about the podcasts she listens to. For now, she recommends this episode from the Fizzle show. How to Deal With a Job You Loathe.04:45 Teambuilding as a process and how the VIRTUAL not Distant model supports teambuilding in virtual teams.  11:18 Pilar talks about the new course on leading virtual teams. (Skip this part if you're not interested.)18:05 How to get in touch with LIsette and Pilar. 18:30 Pilar and Lisette talk about the weather - can you believe it? 19:40 Lisette talks about her Work Together Anywhere Learning Camp in Stockholm with Knowit. 23:05 What do we mean by teambuilding? It's not just a one-off activity but an ongoing process. Is it easier to find time to spend time together online, in virtual teams than organising quality face to face time in colocated ones? 29:20 Making room for teambuilding - for intuition and things that happen organically in the co-located space. Knowing how to talk to each other when we have a problem. Sometimes it's sha