21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP33 Onboarding in Virtual Teams



Don't forget to visit www.virtualnotdistant.com 00:30 A very short intro from Pilar today as our virtual coffee is quite long... 02:20 What happens when not everyone speaks English? We talk a bit about his on Lisette's return from the Happy Melly Learning 3.0 camp. When language is a barrier to communication. 11:40 We talk about this article   http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-05-21/slacking-off-can-office-chartrooms-makes-us-more-productive-time-wasters-? and about how the intranet reflects the culture of the company. 16:40 Introduction to the use of tools should form part of the onboarding process. 18:35 Who's role is it to look after the onboarding process? 19:25 Setting expectations, it starts with recruitment. We mention this other podcast on recruiting for virtual teams. 22:40 Create a team agreement: how are you going to communicate and share information? Does anyone need training on some of the communication tools.29:45 Jeremy Stanton "You've got to fail people as fast as possible." (Liset