Insight With Lise

Addictions and Mental Health Interview with Andrew



2016 is a new year for Active Mommas.  This year, I vow to keep it simple. Keep my life simple.  The new show format will feature  interviews and episodes on a variety of topics and on different schedules.  The topics will be based on what is going on in my life at the time and the lives of my loved ones.  This first episode is about addiction and mental health.  The last few months, I have heard the story a fellow athlete shared of her addiction and recovery, a best friend (that I grew up with )having faced addiction in the eye and won the battle now struggling with depression, and an colleague sharing her story of her husbands depression and addiction.  Andrew is a Addiction and Mental Health nurse with 10 years experience.  He shared his views on the subject which helped me understand this a little better. The music for this show is by The Bell: Steal it Back. If you like this show, spread the word and tell 3 friends, like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter. We would love to hear from you.  Share your