7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

165 - ft. John Nee: Align Sales and Marketing For B2B Success



A big hello from Portland, Oregon! Today, I have an excellent guest, John Nee, the President and the Principal of Act 1 Partners. With over 20 years of success as a marketing executive and business leader for fast-growing companies, John founded Act 1 Partners, a strategic marketing and experiential firm. The company is based in Portland, Oregon, and they have clients nationwide. They help businesses know their market, tell their story and live their brand through many different modules that they have primarily based around branding and strategy. Today, we will discuss my favorite topic, sales enablement, and the marketing and sales alignment. In this episode: Why is it so essential for B2B marketers to work with sales? What is the one thing marketers must do when they engage with a sales organization? What are the challenges of marketing and sales alignment, and what marketers can do to improve the collaboration? How can marketers improve the collaboration with sales, even change salespeople's behaviour? Wh