7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

153 - ft. Brooke Sellas: Winning the War of Loyalty on Social Media - Customer Care



A big, hello from Portland, Oregon. Yay! Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing and More. I have a fantastic guest today. Brooke Sellas. Welcome, Brooke. Brooke is a customer care expert, ‘Marketing Companion’ podcast co-host, horse and a dog mom. She is also a founder and CEO of B Squared Media. The company specialize in social media, media buy, and the key topic that we talk about today – customer care and social media. In this episode: Best Practice: Which brands are doing a great job on social media. What is the ideal response time to customers on social media and how that changes if a business has office hours? What makes taking care of a virtual customer support center expensive? Is there a specific channel that every business should be on? What is the role of customer support on social media? What are the platforms that businesses could use to complement or support customer care? How can businesses measure customer care on social media? Is there a difference between business and customers key per