7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

144 - ft. Jay Baer: How to Win Back Customers and Regain Their Trust



Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More. I have a very special guest today. Joining us to talk about how to win back customers and regain their trust, Jay Baer. Jay is founder of Convince & Convert, an author and a speaker. In fact, a great, great speaker that was inducted to the Speaker Hall of Fame by National Speakers Association and has published four books. I think. I lost count. And the last one was Talk Triggers. In this episode: What are the new challenges for marketers What is the role of customer experience in shaping sales How to use the unknown to create new connections and customers' habits In what ways 'the new normal' situation shapes customer needs and behavior What can marketers do to adapt their budgets How to rewire customer relationships using data and information how can businesses adjust to an era of never seeing their customer face to face (ever again) Quotes from the episode: "The most important thing that marketers can do is to understand that in a way that we've