7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

119 - Questions You Can Ask to Understand Your Sales Team



Good morning, everyone! I’ve been doing several webinars and podcast interviews in the past 5 weeks. I found one question particularly interesting. That was from Jeff, CEO of MarketMuse. He asked me: “What are some examples of questions I ask to understand my salespeople?”   If you are working with your sales team and don’t have a good relationship with them just yet, here are some questions that you can ask to get to know them. It’s worked well for me and I want to share with you.   For a starter, here is the top question I ask frequently, and it always gets them talking. How do you handle rejections to salvage the potential lost deal? OMG, it’s like giving them a free therapy session.   They would talk about the different types of rejections they encounter and the frustration of almost getting the deal closed and losing it at the last minute. Interesting enough, they can always recount specific deals they’ve lost and what they did before and after that. It’s a question that gives them an opportunity to tell