7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

111 - Drip Campaigns vs Nurturing - The Differences



I did an 8-hour long workshop for a new client of mine. The CMO of the company, Sara, is an incredibly savvy marketer in the B2C segment. Anything about marketing a luxury brand, she is on top of it. One of her key initiatives in 2020 is to work and enable sales. In the workshop, we identified sales stages, mapped content from marketing to sales, created a series of email campaigns to help outside sales engage with SQLs. We also created a drip campaign to continue engagement with prospects after events.   She asked me what is the different between the Drip and Nurture campaigns.   Here is how I explained to her:  Both Drip and Nurture campaigns use a series of marketing communication channels, mostly email or a combination of email and phone calls, to reach out to prospects.    Drip focuses on presenting buyers information so that they become familiar with your brands and products. The email series is more top of the funnel focused; the message is more general intended for a broader audience. A great example