The Resus Room

June 2017; papers of the month



We're back with another look at the papers most relevant to our practice in and around The Resus Room. The WOMAN trial was a huge trial that looked at tranexamic acid in post partum haemorrhage, it's gained a lot of attention online and we kick things off having a look at the paper ourselves. Next up, and following on nicely from our previous Cardiac Arrest Centres podcast, we have a look at a systematic review and meta-analysis on whether prolonged transfer times in patients following cardiac arrest affects outcomes. Finally we have a look at a paper on management of PEs in cardiac arrest which draws some very interesting conclusions on the management of such cases and the associated outcomes! Please make sure you go and have a look at the papers yourself and as ever huge thanks to our sponsors ADPRAC for making this all possible. Enjoy! Simon & Rob References & Further Reading Effect of early tranexamic acid administration on mortality, hysterectomy, and other morbidities in women with post-partum