Wise Traditions

181: Food lies exposed



Chances are, your great-great-grandmother didn’t obsess over what she ate. She didn’t count calories, measure out carbs, or worry about the fat content of what was on her dinner plate. And chances are, she was healthier than you and me! Nutrition doesn’t have to be as complicated as we've made it out to be. But if it’s so simple, where did we go wrong? Filmmaker Brian Sanders, of the documentary "Food Lies," exposes the food lies that have added to our confusion and wrecked our health. In today's conversation, he suggests we ditch dietary dogma and return to ancestral wisdom. Brian covers how we've lost touch with our own instincts when it comes to eating, what's behind food fads that appear "healthy" at first blush, why meat has been deemed "unhealthy," and why it's critical for this generation to turn things around.  To support the movie "Food Lies," go to "Food Lies Post" on Indiegogo. For more on Brian's work, visit Sapien.org. Check out our sponsors: Heal Your Gut Guy and Ancestral Supplements. Rate and