Wise Traditions

166: Say no to the flu shot



Are you still on the fence about the flu shot? Do you find yourself wondering if you should vaccinate your family, just to “play it safe"? Are you afraid of what people will think if you don’t vaccinate? Flu season has rolled around again, and you may find yourself asking these questions yet again. There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion out there concerning the flu shot, but the truth can be uncovered. Today, filmmaker and vaccination expert Leslie Manookian brings clarity and science to the conversation. Leslie is the producer of the award-winning documentary “The Greater Good”, and she has done copious research on the subject of vaccinations. Leslie explains how the risks outweigh the supposed benefits. She exposes the truth about the numbers we hear--how many people die from the flu each year--and those we don't--how many people are injured or die as a result of the toxins in the vaccine. She also gives us the big picture of the relationship between vaccine manufacturers, the Center for Disease Cont