Wise Traditions

121: Low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet on trial



Low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diets are trending, but how healthy are they really? Are they for everyone? What does the science say? Professor Tim Noakes, co-author of "The Real Meal Revolution," is a renowned scientist and researcher from South Africa who is convinced that most people can improve their health by restricting their carbohydrate intake and upping their fats. He had to defend this dietary position in recent years before the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He came before the council as a result of a tweet where he replied to a breastfeeding mother, suggesting that she wean her baby to a LCHF diet. The trial was focused, in part, on whether he was offering "unconventional and unscientific" advice to the mother.  In today's episode, you'll learn about the outcome of the trial, why the LCHF (a/k/a Banting) diet is scorned by some, what health benefits can result from adopting it, what it looks like to eat this way in the day-to-day, and more.   For more on Professor Noakes and his foundation