Wise Traditions

85: Let's heal the planet



Many conservation groups hold a piece of the puzzle when it comes to saving our planet. They focus on saving a particular species or on planting trees. Sarah Savory suggests that we must step back and look at the big picture for a more cohesive approach to regenerate the land. And the land is indeed key, because if it becomes infertile, there will be nothing for the animals to eat, and they will indeed become extinct, despite our best efforts. Sarah Savory is a children's book author and conservation advocate (and, yes, the daughter of famed wildlife biologist Allan Savory) who knows how to explain in simple terms what is happening to our planet. She is a proponent of holistic management, an approach to greening the earth by properly managing livestock...and our own choices. Sarah invites us to examine how we are living and either contributing to, or alleviating, the issues that lead to desertification. Sarah discusses the challenges she sees in Zimbabwe, her native country, and those that are common all over