Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

How To Take A Vacation From Your Business



How you take a vacation from your business matters, and I’ve got tips to help you do it better. This is the first in a 6-part series of minisodes. In each one, I’m geeking out about an aspect of your business that matters. Tips for taking vacations right: Build vacation into your overall financial plan. Base your overall earning goals on 40 weeks a year or 45 weeks. Give yourself weeks off for sickness, emergencies, AND vacation. Don’t apologize for taking a vacation. Your clients suffer when you do. Get coverage early Don’t double up on clients the week before you go or the week you return. Notice what your best vacation rhythm is. If it’s a few days off more often or if it’s a full month off once a year and fewer other vacations throughout the year. Create a to-do list for the day you return. You won’t remember exactly where you left things. Imagine yourself on the day you’ll return and give yourself a list of what’s most important. Decide what you’re going to do about email ahead of time. If you don’t wan