Wise Traditions

79: Vegetables: our vitamin pills



“Eat your veggies!” We’ve heard this over and over and today we learn more about the “why” behind the charge! Author and holistic physician Dr. Tom Cowan refers to vegetables as our vitamin pills. They’re not primarily for calories or protein in our diet. We need their disease-fighting properties: the phytonutrients, the antioxidants, the minerals and vitamins that they offer! Vegetables help protect us against cancer, stroke, arthritis, diabetes, and more. Did you know that some indigenous groups thrived eating 10-15 different vegetables a day? And over 100 in a year? Tom recommends that we follow their example by diversifying the vegetables on our plates. He also explains why vegetables should complement, but not replace, fats and proteins in the diet. Eating more vegetables might seem like a chore. Tom admits that he used to spend a lot of time chopping and preparing veggies but not anymore. In today's episode, he reveals how he manages to eat plenty of vegetables without spending all of his time in the ki