Wise Traditions

77: Throw off your toxic burden



Toxins in our food and in our environment are wreaking havoc on our health. In today's episode, Zen Honeycutt, the founder of Moms Across America, describes the most common toxins, what they do to us, and how to protect ourselves against them. She goes into particular detail about the chemicals used in conventional agriculture and how they disrupt our gut health and the endocrine system. All of us are negatively impacted by toxins, of course, but Zen also explains how children are especially vulnerable to their effects.  Zen talks about how her mission to help people ease their toxic burden began with the desire to see her son overcome a life-threatening nut allergy. She made a bold promise to help him get better, which she was able to keep primarily by reducing his exposure to GMOs and pesticides. Eliminating toxins from our diets is a great start for our own health. It's also critical to take steps to achieve change on a greater level. Zen brings up current events including a growing case against Azure Orga