Wise Traditions

74: The farm as healthcare provider



Health care today is often, in reality, "sick care." We turn to medical professionals for the treatment and management of sickness and disease. Farmer Doug Flack is an activist who suggests a very different approach. He believes we should turn to the land to cultivate optimal health. He is convinced that we must develop healthy soil for healthy people. For this reason he asserts that the farm should be our primary health provider. He has spent years investigating and developing his approach to wellness. His studies have led him to the conclusion that industrialized farming and industrial food products are the reason for the lack of wellness in our modern society. Now, Doug spends his time cultivating the land, producing nutrient-dense foods, and advocating for farmers' rights and consumers' health in Vermont and around the nation and the world. In today's conversation, Doug explains why healthy soils are critical for our health and our future. While conventional farmers strip the soil of nutrients and rely on