Wise Traditions

72: Fighting for health freedom



One in six children in the U.S. has a developmental disability; one in four is medicated; one in 48 has autism. (This means that approximately every 7 minutes, a child is diagnosed with autism.) All of these statistics are alarming, so what can we do to stem the tide? The West Virginians for Health Freedom are an advocacy group that are stepping into the fray and fighting for informed consent, parental rights, and religious and medical exemptions to vaccinations. In West Virginia, children are required to have 24 doses of vaccinations prior to kindergarten. And exemptions are hard to come by. Today you will hear from five remarkable women who are involved in this group: Chanda Adkins, a pharmacist; Afsaneh Faerber, an attorney; Holly Garrison, a chiropractor; Lori Jones, a certified natural health professional; and Elizabeth Murphy, the co-founder of West Virginians for Health Freedom. Each has a story to tell related to vaccine-injury that has motivated them to get involved in this field. These women are wel