Wise Traditions

51: Farming as it should be



Will Harris. a fourth-generation cattleman, is the owner of White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, GA. Will attended the University of Georgia's School of Agriculture, where he was trained in industrial farming methods. But in 1995, he decided to turn things around and return to farming the land in the manner his great-grandfather had done, 130 years before. He does not use pesticides and chemical fertilizers on the land or antibiotics or growth hormones on the animals. As Will puts it, "We take care of the land and herd, and they take care of us."  This is why his farming method is farming at its best, and as it should be. His family and farm employees consistently look out for the animals, the land, and the people who produce and consume their goods.Their production practices are fair, sustainable, and humane.  In today's episode, Will tells the story of the beauty and benefits of regenerative agriculture. Not only will you be charmed by his southern drawl but you will also come to understand how and why he transi