Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Pivoting Your Business with Georgia Hill



Got a plan for your business? Sometimes things change and your plan has to change quickly. Georgia was set to start her therapy practice in her new city, LA, but getting licensed was taking longer than she had expected. She made a fast pivot and opened a practice as a sexuality and relationship coach instead. Listen as Georgia describes all the brave steps she took, from getting publicity to networking at multi-industry events.   Topics Discussed In This Episode:   Mistakes she made and what she’d do differently Diversifying her practice Working as a coach rather than a therapist Her niche helping folks around kink, poly, open relationships Networking at multi-industry events What she did to get known in LA before she moved there Deciding how much of her personal story to share on her website Being interviewed on a talk show Why she created 12 week programs in her coaching practice Keeping her overhead low Her advice for a therapist who has relocated Show notes at