Northgate Christian Community

Ice Cream, and Loving the Other



Chris preached on the topic of hospitality during this week’s message, focusing on Romans 12:9-21. He mentioned that hospitality involves an “us for them” mentality. This opposes an “us vs. them” mentality, which is often portrayed on the news and through various social media outlets. Throughout history, Christianity has been expressed through cultures, or flavors, as Chris explained with an example of different ice cream flavors. Whenever there are differences among us, we tend to form tribes; a concept better known as tribalism. This is the quintessential picture of the “us vs. them” mentality. As a society, we tend to look at whatever divides us and we group people accordingly. One of the many beautiful works of the resurrection is that it created a new humanity; effectively eliminating the “us vs. them” mentality and replacing it with an “us for them” mentality. Chris also explained that the Greek word for hospitality is “philoxenia” which, translated to English, means love for strangers, others, or forei