Northgate Christian Community

There is More: Seek, and You Will Find



Jon Hasselbeck Continuing with the series, we heard from three people on what seeking the kingdom looks like. Pastor Sally shared about the recent missions trip to Guatemala from which she and others recently returned. They sought the Kingdom by delivering over 150 school supply packages to kids in Guatemala, helping with a construction project that allowed the pastor of the church there to live in an apartment above the church and by engaging in incarnational, cross-cultural relationship building. Next Mary-Kate, who is seeking the kingdom as the director of a pro-life pregnancy resource center, shared about legislation that is set to pass next week that will allow for late term abortions and attempt to shut down pro-life centers. Mary-Kate invited us to pray and to contact our local congressmen. Lastly, Pastor Jon spoke on longing for more. He opened the message by showing a clip from the Matrix in which Morpheus presents to Neo two pills, representing two options that will determine the outcome of his life