R And R Property Podcast With The Real Estate Girl Denise Haynes

#5: Tree Change - Sea Change



Families it seems, are so stretched & stressed with debt and commitments in life today. Given that interest rates are at an all-time low and technology is meant to be making our lives simpler and easier, it is really troubling. There is no room for error and I’m not sure where on earth it will all end. I don’t know how families can even afford to eat, given the prices they are paying for properties the size of a postage stamp in the city. And for what; to have to endure gridlock traffic, road rage, being able to hear your neighbour’s conversations, ever increasing crime rates and then there’s the pollution. The total sum of this stress is of course resulting in poor health, both in body and mind. Parents who are in these situations are considering making a move to a tree change environment to enable them to bring their families up with a grounded, back to grass roots life. Seeking for their children a good life of healthy food, fresh air and a new freedom to run and play. A move to the country will also a