Nature Guys

Seeds on the Move



Seeds have many ways to get out into the world. Greg shares fascinating strategies plants use to disburse seeds. Related episodes: Hedge Apples, Down Yonder in the Paw Paw Patch Our sources for this episode include: Falling Far from the Tree: 7 Brilliant Ways Seeds and Fruits Are Dispersed Daniel Janzen - Bio and Research The Ghosts Of Evolution: Nonsensical Fruit, Missing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachronisms by Connie Barlow Lengyel, S.; et al. (2009). Chave, Jerome (ed.). "Ants Sow the Seeds of Global Diversification in Flowering Plants" Howe, H. F. & Smallwood J. (1982). "Ecology of Seed Dispersal" (PDF). Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 13: 201–228. The Ant Dance - YouTube video with Greg Torres The Bird Dance- YouTube video with Greg Torres