Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XXIV



Page 394 This time around we give you a shorter show than usual, but it is action packed just the same.  Michael tells the tale of nearly breaking his foot.  We recall our top episodes from Itunes.  Help our place is falling apart around us.  Here is a helpful tip, if you don't know the proper way to cook a turkey, just buy a precooked one.  Charity let's players can get excited for a brand new Desert Bus.  Why is Adam Lambert in a new Rocky Horror Picture Show.  J.J. Abrams finally reveals his secret movie.  There is an awesome new Batman Lego set for all of us AFOL's to get nerdy about.  Is there a new Lego Documentary in the works?  We discuss the Razzies, and wonder if Michael is a secret wizard.  We pay our respects to the late David Bowie, as well as Alan Rickman.  We talk about the giving nature and kindness that Alan showed to his castmates.  We also talk about the genius of Bowie, and how great an artist he really was.  We discuss who should be on the hopefully upcoming Bowie tribute concert.  Finall