Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XXII



Same Shenanigans: Different Year   In our year end review, we decide to spend New Years Eve with our good friend Sir Clint.  We start out the party by throwing out some shout outs, we then read you responses to our poll question, 'What is the one thing Meatloaf wouldn't do for love?'  We plug Michael's bosses new upcoming show.  We spend a few minutes discussing The Force Awakens (Spoiler Alert).  We tease Clint on whether Glenn is alive or dead.  We Discuss our experiences seeing Star Wars on Imax at the Omni theatre at the Fort Worth Museum.  We share some great lines from '40 Year Old Virgin' and ponder potential outtakes for Deadpool.  We share the movies, music, and games we are looking forward to in the new year.  We end the party by discussing the history of New Year Resolutions as well as ours.   Warning this episode could Hospitalize you, but it is totally worth it.