Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XXI



50 Shades Of Suckage   So yeah this is pretty late oh well, we like everyone else took the holidays off.  After we do our intros and "pay the bills", we take a few minutes to ponder what Meatloaf wont do for love.  We give shoutouts to our new twitter followers.  There were a few new comics we picked up, and Jon gets excited for some new Invader Zim.  We reveal the answers to the last episode's poll question, "What gaming franchise would you like to see come back?"  We discuss our ideas for a new TMNT game, and more about what we want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3. will match you to your Disney loving Princess or Prince.  This spawns a discussion on dating sites, especially niche ones.  We talk a little on book to film adaptations and ponder if the 'House Of Night' series will ever get adapted.  Jon Finally reviews 50 Shades Of Grey (the audio is a little soft, sorry).  We tear apart a Wal*Mart shoppers viral video, as it is total shenanigans (which is our term for B.S.).  Finally we teach you h