Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode XII



Nightmare On Podcast Street   Freddy invades our collective dreams and the only escape is to to entertain our listeners with 12 nerdtastic topics of discussion. 01.  This episode took forever to get started. 02.  We talk Harry Potter memes, fan theories, as well as a few of our own. 03.  The recent additions to our video library. 04.  STEELBOOK ALERT 05.  Movie Trailers including Momentum , Manson Family Vacation, All American Bikini Car wash, and 31 06.  WALL-E Finally gets a Lego Release 07.  Michael rages over Kim Davis 08.  Paul Feig tells the Ghostbuster Haters to do something to themselves. 09.  Jon Rages on reboots. 10.  We discuss new ideas for the Dream Warriors and Men In Black 11.  We give our 3 cents on a few of the season premieres.   12.  Michael rages over the stupidity of a certain parents watch group and their over reaction of The Muppets. Somebody wake us from this nightmare.