Sons Of The Renaissance

Episode X



X Marks The Spot This week, things go all over the map as we celebrate our milestone tenth episode.  A very special thanks to all those who have listened to us ramble.  We start out talking about our week, then after a moment of silence for the victims, we share our memories of learning of the events of 9/11. There will be a Ronda Rousey Roadhouse Reboot (try saying that 5 times fast).  We ponder when exactly did Johnny Depp permanently become Jack Sparrow.  Krampus has a Deathgasm during his Last Shift.  Trick 'R Treat gets a sequel and a graphic novel and Harry Potter gets some cool new book releases.  Ultra HD BR is coming, Michael goes all cop nerd over the upcoming Blu-Ray release of The Shield.  We pitch Kevin Smith an idea for a Dogma prequel.  Special Limited Ultimate Editions of all your favorite movie and tv shows, are coming for your wallet this holiday season.  Finally we make our predictions and discuss what we would like to see out of some of our favorite shows this season.