Englishman In San Diego

ICE 2015, The Geek Syndicate 'Is It Time For Dredd To Take The Long Walk?' Panel (5th Sept 2015)



International Comics Expo (ICE) 2015, The Geek Syndicate 'Is It Time For Dredd To Take The Long Walk?' Panel (5th Sept 2015) On Saturday 5th September, AEISD attended the International Comics Expo in Birmingham, UK, and was intrigued by the title of a panel that was scheduled: I was planning on moving on but the next panels title intrigued me: 'Is It Time For Dredd To Take The Long Walk'? Really? That's what The Geek Syndicate (Barry 'Nuge' Nugent and David 'Monts' Monteith) had the balls to ask? In Birmingham, one of the biggest selling demographics of 2000AD in the UK?? Many people, when faced down with the hungry, rapacious fan base of a character that many assume belongs in the annals of comics history, are gobsmacked by how many will come out of the woodwork when it comes to Dredd - Nuge and Monts certainly gave it the 'rabbit in the headlights' when they glanced and were struck that they were now talking to a full room, standing room only, all of whom were adamantly against the idea of their anti-hero