Random Blabber

Random Opinions Ep.2 - Digital VS Physical Prices



This week Patrik talks about Digital prices VS. Physical prices on video games. Let me know if you agree or disagree by leaving a comment here on Soundcloud or a quick review comment on iTunes or Stitcher! Apologies for the sound level in this episode, something went wrong with the post-processing and you may need to turn up the sound a tad after the intro music and turn it back down before the outro. Find Random Blabber on: Twitter - twitter.com/random_blabber Stitcher - www.stitcher.com/s?fid=76953&refid=stpr iTunes - geo.itunes.apple.com/se/podcast/ran…=2&at=1001l4VJ TuneIn - tunein.com/radio/Random-Blabber-p806010/