Health For Your Truest Self

3 Transformative Mindsets



Do you often find yourself entrenched in the same old unhealthy habits, automatic patterns, and toxic ways of thinking day after day? Habits such as eating toxic foods you KNOW make you feel sluggish and yucky. Unhealthy patterns such as addictive patterns or chronic self-criticism.  Or toxic thoughts such as, "being healthy is hard", or "I must not have what it takes to change".  I remember a time when these toxic thoughts, habits and patterns literally ruled my life.  To find my way out, I began to realize that willpower wasn't the answer. I learned that true health begins in the mind. And to quote Einstein, "you cannot solve a problem with the same mindset that created it." So imagine if you could "try on" some transformative mindsets that might allow you to change much more easily, and slough off the old mindsets bogging you down.