Health For Your Truest Self

"Morning Rituals"- Part Two with Alisha Hunt



Welcome to Part Two of "Morning Rituals"! Earlier this week, I chatted with my health buddy Rachelle Atkinson about "Morning Rituals". You can check out that conversation below.... Today, the conversation shifted to "morning rituals" for moms, or if mornings aren't naturally your jam. I'm getting some valuable perspective from Alisha Hunt - one of my awesome team members for the "Naked Retreats".  Alisha is a yoga instructor, mom of two awesome munchkins and super smart on all things health.  What I'm loving in these two conversations is that there are so many ways to get to the same place. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, it doesn't have to take forever to do your morning ritual, and it's all about getting in touch with what works for you and helps you shine!