Hard Way Mba

Dustin McKissen: LinkedIn an Active Value Creation Mechanism



How do some get so much more from LinkedIn than others? About Dustin Writer on LinkedIn. 20K+ followers 2MM views of blogs Columnist Most salient points for professionals The way you think about LinkedIn is important. You can use it as a passive platform or active. Active is much better. A good profile... Have a photo, a professional one. For some, that means a suit and tie, others it's at your desk Position descriptions are complete. Don't treat them like a chance to recite everything you did. Treat it like a chance describe how you bring value. Ask for recommendations. Easiest to give them first. Complete the profile and give people a nice way to understand who you are and what you do. Order of content areas. Highlight what's most valuable first. Using the bloging platform, Pulse, on LinkedIn. Good distribution Wrote first post in July 2014 about second employee in a startup. Received 900 views. Second article 4-5 days later about getting an MBA was written for an audience of people who need the M