Hard Way Mba

David Chapman - Change Management (2 of 4) It's all about the why



Last time we talked about an ROI for change. I’m sure that got some attention. Now, it I want to start thinking about managing change, where do I look first? * Often we think about communication and training. * That's good and is a portion of the change effort. * First thing you need to determine is 'Why'. * Change happens 1 person at a time. * Must hook people early. How do you uncover the ‘why’ for end users / stakeholders? * Small minority of people like to change. * We like what we know. * Change equation for each person is different. * Most projects have a mission / vision. Often the 'why' for the business but not WIIFM? * What's the case for change for the audience members. * Iterative discipline. Audiences themselves change so your plans must change with them. * Must do the stakeholder assessment / analysis. Impact on them? Their impact on program? Their current disposition and future state disposition? Once I have the ‘why’ what do I do with it? (I’ll ask but we’ll have to save tha