Hard Way Mba

Rob Scott: Break up with the Truth, Make Change Immediate, Fundamental Shift



Humanity has a core problem: the limit of our current identity. Can you unpack that for us? * identify is just a story you're telling yourself. it changes over time * The core human problem may be delusion itself.. Direct relatioshipw ith our inturpretation of truth. * Lenses share, color the way we see the world. Built to be invisible. to be looked through, not looked at. Republican / Democrate, Vegan / Pale, * Some of the lenses we put on are terribly limiting. How do we see the lenses that we have? * Shift in awareness is about a fundamental shift. * We've all had the moment Breaking up with the truth. * When we take the limits as truth we have to change what's going on * Need to determine if that's limiting... Are you thinking, that sucks. * End up seeing it in our emotional state, which comes from the meaning making in our head. * Evidence in the past is not relevant to the future * Think in terms of useful over true. Subconscious mind sees familiarity as safe. Three steps to t