Hard Way Mba

Brian Graiff: Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Both Sides of a Deal, As an Employee,



Bryan's Background: - Graduated from Univ of Ill. - Arthur Anderson in 1992: 6 yrs and volunteered to do everything he could. Never shyed away from a tough assignment. - Went back to get MBA along with CPA. - LMI Aerospace Corp Controller through IPO: Did a lot of improvements and got into operational director - Astaris: Took through a sale process. - Waylon Securities CFO: Private, family owned business, $40M and grew to $120M while he was there. - Then CFO / COO for Life Uniform: Private Equity owned business. Largest retailer of medical uniforms. 5 years. 10 acquisitions. Sales process through strategic offering in mid-2013. Was CEO when it was sold. Terms: * Help us understand and demystify what M&A is. * What is due diligence? Is performed in an acquisition / sales. Done to ensure what you're buying is what you expect it to be. It's valuation, testing earning. Kicking the tires to ensure you get what you think you'll get. Companies are often sold by investment banker/ business boeker. Company is st