Hard Way Mba

Ashley Nanney: Feed Your Vitality, Business from Passion, Episode 010



Feed Your Vitality makes healthy food taste naughty. The story behind your business is inspiring. Share with us what drove you to start business? – Sent home with hospice at one point in her life. – 97 lbs overweight. – Daughter was 2 at the time, now 18 years old – Was passionate about food, tastes, etc. – Was a personal shift to begin with. At the same time, she was cheffing for people in their homes. After 30 days on the paleo diet she felt amazing. Shifted everyone they were cheffing for over to this diet. one year later 96% of the clients were still doing it. – Demand grew from there. – Moved into St. Patrick’s center commissary The Food – Shop the perimeter of grocery store – Avoid processed food – Inflammation is the cornerstone of all disease so you avoid anything that causes it. – Started eating this way – Foods to remove: – Grains: Cause a chronic low level allergic state from gluten, soy, corn, etc. – Inflammation: Do you have the ‘-itis’ swelling of or inflammation of. The business – This f