Hard Way Mba

Mike Weinberg: Blunt Truth Re: Sales Mgt, Sales Culture, Moving up to Management, Episode 013



You wrote New Sales. Simplified. and it is on my shelf (or often in my bag) as one of the best sales books ever written and you followed it up with Sales Management. Simplified. Having talked to you before about the writing process and all of the effort that goes into a book, I was a little surprised you followed it up with another book. Why write and promote another book? * Didn't want to write it. * Mike admits he was wrong when he got into consulting. Bottoms up doesn't really work to change the sales world. * Leadership and managment needs a mirror held up to their own issues. Which of the other Blunt Truths from the front lines do you see as most damaging / pervasive? * Spending your time in silly ways... * Avoid high value leadership activities * Companies are sometimes cluelss. Too many expectations for non-sales related activity. In Sales Management. Simplified. You outline 16 significant problems you often see in sales management today. I think my favorite is Ch. 11, An Anti-sales Cultu