Hard Way Mba

Frans VanOudenallen: Transitioning between industries, Don't Network, Engage - Episode 008



You transitioned from corporate career path to academia and coaching. I'm sure you've seen many other clients make dramatic (or what seems so) transitions. What are some of the keys to a transition of this nature? Seek that which you love and you'll never work a day in your life Enjoyed mentoring downward in corporate world Showed up - discipline - walk into opportunities because you're there Knew what he liked to do. Marketing: Look at it primarily from the customer's POV You and I met in early 2009 while I was between jobs. You were then and are now a prolific networker. Share with us how you use this tool and how you hope others will use it. Thinks of 'Engagement' instead of networking Give more than you take: Engagement Giving: can be simple, doesn't take much time / money. 'Send me a pithy one liner' Do not keep score. A goal for engagement is to identify positive givers Great advise to actually engage with people not just network Make the conversation rich and relevant for the speaker Listen for an