Hard Way Mba

Scott Ginsberg: Prolific production, Generosity, Passion for Another's Business - Episode 005



We talk to a man who has worn a name tag for 4993 days. (He's over 5000 days now, by the time I publish this). Aside from that, he's an inspiration. Scott is a prolific writer and actually has outlined what he calls The Prolific Framework Is reverse engineering creativity in his life. Combines left and right brain thinking Volume & consistency Giving away his work everyday is based on generosity That's his nature and discovered it pays off. Delayed gratification. Hustle while you wait. Hard to be passionate about somebody else's business. Book you should read: BrainStorm by Eric Maziel is about having productive obsessions Moments of Conception: Topher Grace cut all Star Wars Prequils into one movie. Business advise: Quality is not as important as you think. What is more important? Speed, context, etc. Create parallel life. Have an identity that does not include your work, another container of meaning to support your person-hood, especially when the business sucks. Do as much as you possible can be