Hard Way Mba

Steve Fallick - Episode 001



The recruiting business has been disrupted several times in the last decade. The job market changed significantly with the crash of Lehman Brothers and the Great Recession. Around the same time, new technology, social media, especially LinkedIn, entered the picture. Tell me about how that's impacted your approach to recruiting. - Do you find that your clients are up to date and prepared to deal with the new and emerging landscape? - If not, how do you advise your clients to deal with these changes today? - What about the candidates you're looking for, are they prepared to deal with the new landscape? - What advise to you give candidates today to effectively leverage social media and LinkedIn, while still working effectively with recruiters? You worked with GE, through the legendary Jack Welch era, for 24 Years. - What are some of the lessons you learned there that you still practice or see as relevant today? - What is your take on top-grading or stack-ranking as it was known at Microsoft and Yahoo? You'