

Think about the thing you LOVE doing. The thing that makes your heart go thump. The thing that you’re really good at. Now imagine you could make money on Youtube at the same time!Pretty exciting, right?What about setting up a platform on Youtube that becomes an incredible tool for getting yourself out there? Increasing reach, selling your skills, growing your audience.This all sounds pretty great, but how do you start these kinds of things from scratch?You become willing to create. You experiment.And you listen to this episode of the UNTAPPED podcast for a ton of juicy tips and advice.Andrew Hubbard is the founder of Hubbard Digital, a leading digital marketing and education company that specialises in Facebook and Instagram advertising for online businesses. He works with companies around the world to help them generate more revenue from their Facebook & Instagram advertising campaigns. He's also the co-founder of Brightest Beginning, a company focused on helping to make parenting easier, and providing n