The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Did Uber Do Enough to Warn Women about Series of Rapes by Fake Uber Drivers in LA?



In this episode, Attorney Rosensweig discusses a recent lawsuit that was filed by three women who are alleging that they were sexually assaulted by fake Uber drivers after calling for an Uber late at night, outside of bars in Los Angeles.  The lawsuit alleges that these sexual assaults came after five other sexual assaults by fake Uber drivers in the same area of LA, in the few months leading up to their attacks.  The lawsuit alleges that Uber knew about these assaults by fake Uber drivers and did nothing to warn the Plaintiffs that they might be in danger.  Should Uber be held liable?  Did they do enough to satisfy their legal obligation to keep these women safe?  Ms. Rosensweig dissects the case and shares her predictions in this important episode of the podcast.