Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#63 - The Happiness Quotient - Winter Solstice with Reverend Freakchild & Healing Power of Music



A quotient is an answer to a mathematical division problem. When we gather experience and look at the opportunities within our most challenging days, by deduction we begin to grow in wisdom. Hey, at the very least, we might learn what not to do. When we become wise and stop desiring the acquisition of wealth, or love or spiritual enlightenment, we will begin to become naturally happy. The Happiness Quotient endeavors to apply knowledge to the experiences in our lives, exploring how Happiness can be a part of our every day, even during the most challenging times. In today's inaugural episode of our new incarnation we explore the healing power of music with bluesman and Master of Divinity in Buddhist Philosophy the Reverend Freakchild. We also share a killer rendition of Happiness Jones by The Wood Brothers. Music throughout the episode is brought you by Reverend Freakchild off his latest album The Bodhisattva Blues. Final cut is Happiness Jones by The Wood Brothers. HAPPY STUFF - RESOURCES AND RESEARCH If