Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#35 (S2 Ep 4) - The Meaning of Life is Coffee, an Interview with Coffee Roaster Austin Orth



During this time, when the world seems to be going insane, we can lose our minds or keep our act together, or PROSPER! I don’t know about you, but when this stuff happens and we look at the super macro of it, click a few down on the pull down tabs of life, I like what is happening. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the devastation it’s having on life and millions of people and businesses in the world. But, beyond this, I feel like I’ve never been busier in taking advantage of this time.In Episode 4 of Season 2 I draw a distinction of this time and how people handle it with the book by Viktor Frankl called Man’s Search For Meaning. Frankl was a survivor of a concentration camp during World War II and observed that different reactions to life in these camps had a significant impact on one’s life during and beyond the concentration camps. Frankl concludes from his experience that a prisoner's psychological reactions are not solely the result of the conditions of his life, but also from the freedom of choice he alw