Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#27 - Australia, Aboriginal Didgeridoo, Rod McCurdy, Pacific Dreams & Giving Back



This episode is a n instant classic, exploring not only the beauty of Australia but the inner journey of discovery and enlightenment with my good friend and fan of this podcast, Rod McCurdy. This episode summarizes exactly why Baker Street with Thom Pollard exists in the first place.A recent sojourn to Australia unearthed a serendipitous encounter with Aboriginal musician George Dow, who masterfully demonstrated his didgeridoo. We discuss the hunter versus farmer hypothesis, first written about by author Thom Harmann. is a proposed explanation of the nature of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) first suggested by radio host Thom Hartmann in his book Attention Deficit Disorder: a Different Perception. This hypothesis proposes that ADHD represents a lack of adaptation of members of hunter-gatherer societies to their transformation into farming societies. Hartmann developed the idea first as a mental model after his own son was diagnosed with ADHD, stating, "It's not hard science, and was